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— Vanessa Gingerlore
(to be written...)
Physical Appearance[]
She appears to be a young adult - the distinction is her below-average height and her stern-looking eyes. She has a beige complexion and a slender build. Her hair is light auburn and her eyes are fern green.
Gingerlore dresses in a casual style, never underdressed nor overdressed. She prefers wearing a light short-sleeve shirt with a skirt/shorts and sneakers (unless it's cold outside). Her most preferred outfit is a polo shirt (sometimes over a long-sleeved black shirt or under a vest) and a skirt and pair of sneakers, the two latter being the same color. She despises pocketless clothing.
Isolated. She is never the type for making friends nor participating in teams, contrasting to the value of teamwork to the other villagers. It's not too much of a surprise when you look deeper, however - when acting on her own, she gains high capability and unfaltering assertiveness, and few can stop her or change her mind at this level of determination. Additionally, she can definitely give a cold shoulder and a tumbleweed of criticism to whoever gets on her nerves - especially foreigners. This doesn't go to much of an extreme extent, because she can and will stop when she feels she has gone too far.
Gingerlore is noticeably brilliant among her peer group, being a pensive and logical person. She has received education in many aspects, especially history. Even better, she has gone on various explorations beyond her village, giving her some extra knowledge. She is rather vainglorious about her intellect, and will gladly prove her brilliance.
Thirdly, she is more serious than entertaining (in a beneficial way). Gingerlore, regardless of her aloofness, takes full responsibility of what she does and what she has to do. She, like many of her peers, prefers punctuality and honesty rather than useless lies to cover up the truth (of course, she will almost certainly see through a lie). Formality and ettiequte are also top rules for her.
- Can do a backflip or a cartwheel if she feels the need to.
- Can chop trees and make furniture.
- Can also mine, although she does not do it very often.
- Exceptionally intelligent and knowledgeable.
- Self-confident.
- Punctual.
- Cannot swim.
- Seems like the odd one out due to her extremely reserved personality.
- Glossophobic.