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Void is a substrand of the Shadow Element. It and its related topics/aspects are integral to the plot of the central roleplay series.




Gray bricks of computers that control and process the workings of the multiverse as a whole, positioned at the edges of any given timeline's universe. They all have terrible processing ability, but required for the continued survival of the multiverse, and the exploits of antagonists and protagonists alike. Operation is simple, through ergonomic QWERTY keyboards and certain commands. The most accessible CONSOLE is CONSOLE-1, just outside of the void's replica of the Temple of Creation.

CONSOLEs refer to characters and in-universe beings as VARIABLES, and these appear on the CONSOLEs as VAR_[character-specific abbreviation] (e.g. VAR_SD for Storm Dreamchaser, or VAR_ZGC for Zane Goldencaster, triple acronyms reserved for overlapping abbreviations). ENTITIES are referred to exactly as their page names (e.g ENTITY-FL, ENTITY-JJ, ENTITY-DIA, etc.) Timelines are referred to by important aspects of that universe (e.g. Wizard School becomes PRISON-SCHOOL-KING), then the internal sub-reality (alternate reality) of that timeline (e.g PRISON-SCHOOL-KING-SS1 for substrand 1, the prime universe of Wizard School), then the general spatiotemporal location of the console's accessing of this timeline relative to its creation and accounting for any multiversal disruption (e.g PRISON-SCHOOL-KING-SS1-PAST>PAST>FUTURE>PAST, each individual accessing varying in unit of time per "past" or "future" given the circumstances of the universe). Using these examples, one potential timeline's designation could be PSKSS1PPFP. CONSOLEs can also regulate especially egregious variances in the standards of timelines, but have recently begun to lose this ability due to the recent surge in time traveling entities. In addition, the CONSOLE can be used to access other dimensions under the circumstances one bypasses an entity lock, in order to access a dimension correctly, an individual would have state the physical measurement (1D, 2D, 3D, etc), followed by the dimension (A, B, C, etc), followed by the world name (ROTW, WS, etc), followed by the appropiate identifier for a timeline (which defaults to the primary timeline designated by the entities). Building up on the previous potential designation, a world may be identified as 3DBPSK (3-DIMENSIONAL-DIMENSION-B-PRISON-SCHOOL-KING), and with the addition of a specified timeline, an individual may find themself inputting a a strand as long as 3DBPSKSS1PPFP (simplified to 3DBPSKPPFP as SS1 is the primary timeline). Additionally, by default the console will direct and individual to a world with the same dimensions as themselves, so a 3D being intending to go to 3DBPSKSS1PPFP's main timeline will only have to write PSKPPFP.


Relics are inert disks and rings allow their user to use the void element without being a voidwalker. It's possible for void essence to spread through them in its inactive state, but it will not turn them into a voidwalker without the Void Elemental directly intervening or the relic user being infected with active essence. These relics exist as raw, uncut stones as well, one inparticular being used by Dylan Nightshadow. Notably, as the void itself is sentient, relic items sometimes appear to react to situations or display personality, as the relic hunter, Crystal Cloudring, discovered via the usage of her relic ring. The relics themselves are artifacts left behind by Ancient Voidwalkers, disregarded by the Wyrm as a part of the void itself due to absorbing extreme levels of void essence.



Essence is the metaphysical manifestation of the void, being simultaneously the parasite that infects voidwalkers and the medium used in magic. This essence has three states:

  • Active: Capable of infecting/spreading within a host (See: Voidwalkers); Can be used in magic as a voidwalker.
  • Inactive: Incapable of infecting host but can spread through one under proper exposure (See: Crystal Cloudring); Can be used in magic via relics.
  • Dormant: Incapable of infecting or spreading a host, but can be inserted into a host (See: Gale Starheart); Cannot be used in magic, but can serve as a catalyst.

The Void Elemental can change the state void essence is present, but it cannot change the essence into its dormant state due to complications. It can however activate dormant essence, causing any host to become a voidwalker if they contain sufficient essence.


Fading is a process when an asset deteriorates due to essentially "not following the file format" necessary to be booted up by the void. The "file" eventually corrupts and vanishes from all past saves. They did exist, and their impact on the world would remain, but they cannot be recalled or revived as the necessary .tmp file was metaphorically refreshed out of existence from the CONSOLE's backup temporary files. A fading being will be translucent, and the only way to prevent fading is to turn them into a voidwalker (this evidently cannot be done for nonliving beings) or send them back to the real world in time for their "cache" to "refresh" and continue to exist functionally.


  • Fading can be delayed by a voidwalker, extending the time an individual can safely be in the void, but this time is not indefinite.
  • If brought into the void by a non-voidwalker, fading time will remain the same.
  • After being resurrected, an individual is temporarily safe from fading, but will be translucent.
  • An unborn infant will not fade until post-birth, after the appropriate time has passed.
  • Creatures native to the void (See: Encounters) are immune to fading.[Note 1]
  • If an individual dies in the void (by causes that do not allow void essence to infect) their physical body will fade. However, this is not the same as fading and they can be resurrected as usual.

Under the circumstances an individual does fade, despite they fact their impact on the world remains, assets will be incapable of recalling who or what a faded asset is, or that they exist. For example, if a child's parent faded, others will be able to determine the child had a parent, but they would not remember who the parent is, what they were, what they meant to them, etc.


The void elemental is a mouthpiece for the void, however, it's not perfect. Their forms can be compromised and on circumstances the elemental is, a replacement will be selected or formed. However, selection itself rarely occurs as it requires an intense detachment from reality, and the void will normally create a new Devourer. A compromised elemental will lose their elemental status and become mortal, inevitably fated to become a voidwalker and potentially eaten by the newly crowned Devourer.


The current (form of the) elemental. Any form of a naturally occurring void elemental is technically the child of the Shadow Elemental, but that is a discussion not normally visited. His form was created via catalyzation with dormant essence with Gale Starheart as a host—technically making the fey his father—but that is another discussion not visited. His form bears traits from previous existences, namely his skin tone, sharp teeth, and tentacles.

Due to his nature as the embodiment of the void's consciousness, he has an instinctive craving for Creation Energy. However, over-exposure to Creation Energy can cause him to essentially deviate from the void's will and desires and become his own separate consciousness, which experiences mortal emotions and desires, something that is gradually happening to him in ROTW Primeline. When unexposed to Creation Energy, he is completely detached to human emotion and detached from human concepts such as gender. Due to this, upon exposure, Void has practically no understanding of self-identity and essentially accepts whatever is thrown in their direction.


The void elemental's original form, created from a particularly sentient cluster of void essence implied to be interacted with by Shadow. It is shaped into a wyrm and spreads its roots throughout the void, allowing it to physically feel when individuals move throughout the realm. This wyrm became known as the Devourer due to its constant hunger and was noted to be viscously territorial towards what it was protective of, something later forms shared as a trait.


The void has its own Keystone, however, the Keystone does not automatically select a warden. After some time—and with some nudging from Void—the Keystone settled on RW, who is the Void Warden[Note 2] and has been developing void spells. As of currently, he has not selected a trainee. The Void Warden has greatest authority in the void asides from the Darkshades and elemental, and unironically, the current Warden is a Darkshade.


Voidwalkers are individuals who have formed a "parasitic" relationship with the void (not to be confused with the elemental, Void). In all technicalities, the relationship is symbiotic, however, it remains considered as such due to the nature of the void in itself. Voidwalkers are formally inducted by the traditional method of impalement in the spine, ergo, the technique used by the sect on individuals purposely brought into the void for such reason. In all technicalities, such specific procedures are not necessary.

The requirements for becoming a voidwalker are the following:

  • An injury on the body that allows the void to properly infect.
  • The individual remains in the void long enough for the infection to take place.
  • The injury cannot be easily "cured"[Note 3][Note 4] (i.e. a small cut on the finger that can easily be eradicated by extracting the dead-infested flesh with a pair of nail clippers [notably, with minimal pain as well]) and instead actually allows the void to take root.

Voidwalkers are not immune to hunger and thirst and need to consume nutrients just as any living being. They also have a subtle hunger for creation energy, which they commonly mistaken for normal hunger.


Once becoming a voidwalker, the amount of void in their body determines the strength of the abilities the void grants them:

  • Manipulating the void element[Note 5][Note 6]
  • Immunity to fading in the void
  • Failsafes (3)
  • Healing to a regenerative extent
  • Indefinitely extended life span and reduced aging

Individuals not from the world they were infected in (as the void exists as the edge of a world) have doubled reception to the void due to the distancing from the existence it opposes, and those from a whole other dimension have nearly tripled reception. This allowed for individuals such as Storm Dreamchaser to be able to go toe-to-toe with the Darkshades, whose abilities are greatly boosted by Creation Energy.

In addition, Failsafes, Extended Life, and Immunity to Fading are default abilities granted to voidwalkers, but the rest depend on the level of infection.


A voidwalker has three additional lives granted to them by the void. However, due to the fatal injury, they normally receive to become a voidwalker, they only have three lives (until resurrected via their imprint). The Darkshades and Cero are notably the only voidwalkers so far with four total lives due to managing to become voidwalkers with but a small injury. Failsafes are gradually expended as a voidwalker uses the void for instant healing/regeneration (outside the void), so if a voidwalker does not live in the void, it's advisable to not use the void to heal every injury to avoid the unpleasant predicament of having fully expended a failsafe.

The Darkshades[]

Some of the most powerful voidwalkers, and more notably, the first modern void users. They initially became voidwalkers due to Creation Energy essentially "supercharging" the void essence that infected them via the cuts on their hands, as it feeds the void. Notably, natural elements contain small traces of Creation Energy due to originating from gods, but not nearly to a sufficient extent, hence the void's ever-hungry state. The Darkshades all have abilities unique to them due to their sheer power, which others have only partially been able to mimic. A voidwalker is considered noteworthy if they match the Darkshades in strength and have demonstrated a unique ability of their own, which they develop through mastering control of the void (something Storm Dreamchaser has notably failed to do).


  • Creation Energy is the only thing that can compromise the void elemental, yet also the thing it constantly seeks to consume. The gods of a world can wield more creation energy the higher they are ranked, with entities having the most at their disposal. If it were possible for the void to eat an entity, they would be a very tasty snack.


  1. Offspring of these creature inherit an immunity to fading and the ability to utilize the void element.
  2. As of events in the Return of the Wardens, RW is the last of the Wardens.
  3. Note the exception, the original Luke Darkshade, who was exposed to a vast amount of creation energy.
  4. "Curing" consists of extracting all void essence from a voidwalker to sever their tie to the void so it no longer affects them, and many of the injuries a voidwalker obtains would prevent such from happening.
  5. Note the exceptions, Luce and Gale Starheart. If one is a sufficient enough master of the shadow element, they can bend the Void Element to their will. However, they need to control a pre-existing Void Spell, they cannot create their own without raw essence at their disposal.
  6. Void manipulation and spells are inherently different things, and no character has used a void spell before the introduction of RW.


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Element Lists
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Elements Without Categories: Amberthyst  •  Angel  •  Arcane  •  Deity  •  Mutagen  •  Obscurity (Shadow Element Substrand)  •  Peace  •  Void (Shadow Element Substrand)