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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
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Voidwalker Sect is a fanon group for that is integral to the plot of the central roleplay series. The group appears in the Libra's Scale series, alongside the Return of the Wardens series


List of Sect Members
In Order of Implied Initiation
Name Current Status Species Rank Infection Recruitment
LS Alive Human/Wizard Darkshade Accidental Unwitting Founder
WS Alive Human/Wizard Darkshade Accidental Founder
AS Alive Human/Wizard Darkshade Accidental Founder
RW Alive Human/Wizard Void Warden, Darkshade Manifestation Manifestation
Narcissa Alive Human/Wizard Member Initiation Recruited
Normandy Alive Human/Wizard Member Initiation Recruited
Cero Stormward Alive Human (Homo Eloan) "IT Guy," Member Self-Inflicted Own Accord
Naleese Nightsong Alive Forest Elf Member Initiation Recruited
Melanie Illusionshadow Alive Human/Wizard Member Initiation Recruited
Ralph Nightshard In Purgatory Human/Wizard Member Initiation Recruited
Kong Nightstalker Alive Human/Wizard, Supposedly Member Initiation Recruited
Zoe Darkblade Alive Dyrad Member Initiation Recruited
Alge Alive Puppet (Homunuculus) Darkshade (Honary), Member Inflicted By Darkshade Kidnapped
Storm Dreamchaser (MDC) Alive Human (Homo Electra), Or At Least, He Was Void Elemental (MDC), Member (Former) Accidental The Void's Accord
Void (MDC) Alive Demigod Member (Former), Void Elemental (Former) Self-Inflicted Own Accord
Scaramouche Nightward Alive Forest Elf/Human (Homo Serpentes) Hybrid Member Inflicted By Parents Birth



To be expanded on.


To be expanded on.

Voidwalker Purgatory[]

To be expanded on.


The sect has no designated uniforms, but are noted to wear darker clothing to blend into the void, normally laced with void essence.


Strengths and Weaknesses[]

The Void element has the same strenths and weaknesses as Shadow.

The ShadowIcon Shadow element is weak against:

This element is powerful against:

This element is neutral against:

Some voidwalkers may retain or continue to use their original element depending on their infection, but all have these strengths at default.


  • To be expanded on.
[v · t · e · ?]
Character Groups
Species: Caddisfolk  •  Faen  •  Humans (+Infernal Wizards)  •  Community Version  •  AlyssSolo Version  •  FourSevensRueful Version  •  Jellybean Jade Version
Species Group Pages: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Imps
Faen Groups
Fairy Tribes: Astral Tribe  •  Creek Tribe  •  Crystal Tribe  •  Drake Tribe  •  Echoes of the Ice  •  Forest Tribe  •  Glacier Tribe  •  Moon Tribe  •  Storm Tribe  •  Sun Tribe  •  Whispers of the Dark
Faerie Tribes:
Other Groups
Families: Presidential Nebluffs  •  Stormchaser Family  •  Starheart Family
Secular Organizations: Bounty Hunters (Disbanded)  •  Firestorm Laboratories  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  NootCorp  •  Shale Distributors  •  The Order  •  The Order of Influence (FSRV)  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters (Disbanded)  •  Voidwalker Sect
Religious Organizations: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Cenorism (Dead)  •  Harmonism  •  Luma Healers  •  Nalism (Dead)  •  Barāquian
Colonies: Bonfire Colony  •  Mech Colony  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga
Tribes: Crystal Tribe  •  Lotus Tribe  •  Resurrection Tribe  •  Spirit Tribe (Disbanded)  •  Werewolf Tribe
Other: Astrallum Apostates  •  Bodyguards  •  Caverners  •  Founding Wardens  •  Magical Mercenaries