“ | We can just wait out here until the Puppet Master causes more desecration...oh no, wait, I can't believe it, he already has. | ” |
Willow Glassvoice is a character in Darkness of Terror.
Fae has Seafoam-colored hair (style 26) and royal blue eyes. Fae chiefly equips the Mira's Robes (usually having to be goffered), no hat, Storm Titan Glaive (or, in some cases, Angel Wing or Caster Clam), Beastmaster Boots, and buddied up with Drone.
Fanfictions and other usages[]
Fae is similar in appearance to faer in-game's. Fae is battle-hardened and scarred, with a large dark red gash slitting faer left eye. It doesn't heal due to faer daily picking at the wound, opening it again.
Bodywise, fae equips a white crop top jacket. She wears short ripped jeans, often black. Leg warmers conceal a section of her combat boots.
Miscellaneous information[]
Fae is referred to by fae/faer pronouns, but uses she/her pronouns in faer fanfiction.
Overall, fae has a happy-go-lucky personality, and mostly relies on faer own hostility during a conversation. Fae is sometimes described as "intimidating, yet congenial" by faer trainers.
Fae is usually in a fit of pique, or fiercely determined (when coming to making rousing getaways).
Willow is under the Puppet Master's mind illusion, turned by faer own transmuted mother. Alongside Aureate and faer fellow companions, fae is hunting for answers about faer hidden past and meanwhile getting closer to escaping and extricate the other brainwashed wizards and pets, if doable.
Being under the Puppet Master's control, fae is savage and homicidal. In the act of losing faer sanity, fae is monotone and daily goes into trances at haphazardly times.
Fae is good at humiliating others, battling, and arithmetic. Fae has high endurance. Fae is passable at her intelligence and memory.
Fae isn't good at reading (dyslexia), English, history, and lying. When fae casts spells, they are genuinely weak and deal a small amount of damage. Fae is passable at her intelligence and memory. However, faer charisma is sparse.
- Falling Star Smash
- Super Nova
- Shrubbery Strike
- Molten Crash
Pet Team[]
Level 100; Hearts 11,628/11,628
Level 100; Hearts 10,400/10,400
For faer full story (fanfiction), visit here.
Willow grew up in a very subtle village just near the dock of Shipwreck Shore, where boats would arrive and embark. Everything seemed just so perfect there, it didn't make any sense why this place was so heavily guarded and hidden by groves of trees and local Water Element pets.
It could be because of the increasing amount of bickering in the area. Or it could be due to the fact that there was a dark rumor spreading around that there was a Shadow organization called the "Order of Influence" rising to power, converting pets and even wizards to Shadow and mind-controlling them.
Willow sighed melodramatically. She was imprisoned in her mother's hut, unable to run and explore freely like she used to back in her preteens. Does the Puppet Master have anything to do with this? Or just the Order of Influence, in general?
She understood why she was kept in a safe place, away from danger. But no sign of any danger, even just feeble accidents, ever appeared in their midst. So what were all the citizens so frightened of? And...most of all, what was coming for them?
Willow never accepted the truth until the day they came.
The Order of Influence, coming to destroy us all, Willow thought with a shudder as she raced down the sandbar. She hoped to get to the water in time before any unknown Element could stop her. But the water was too ashy with overlooking Fire spells. It wouldn't do her much good, but at least it was water. It was what her tribe ran on when coming to safety or resources.
Shoals swam away into the depths as Willow's feet pounded onto the sandy floor, sending up billows in the path she had come. She pulled out her Caster Clam and gripped it tightly, her knuckles turning a ghostly white. Help me, she prayed. Anyone, if you're listening.
Willow looked above her, the rippling layer of water making it harder to get a good view on the raging battle above. She looked down glumly, feeling useless and a traitor to her tribe. She couldn't do anything, like her mother said. And...oh. She had to stay underwater like her mother also instructed her.
But could she hold her breath that long? After millennials of living at Shipwreck Shore, her race hadn't even evolved to have temporary gills whenever they submerge? Willow thought they were so superior and perfect, she didn't even realize the obvious. But she couldn't think about that now. She didn't want that bad feeling lingering around while she kept herself hidden. A downcast feeling could affect her during her escape, or even right now.
She wanted to heed her mother's instructions, like she always had, but this time it wasn't just a simple time-out because of her unacceptable behavior. It was a stay-hidden-because-this-is-life-or-death kind of rule.
Instead, she found herself bursting out of the water and coming face-to-face with a converted Frostfang. It bared its dagger-shaped pearly whites at Willow and settled itself into an attacking position. Its fluffy, hilariously bloated tail, lashed against the ground. Its claws curled in and outward maliciously.
Willow took a hasty step back and it leapt into the air. Willow veered to the left, sending the Frostfang floudering into the water. It roared indignantly and hurtled itself at Willow again, this time with more energy.
Willow shrieked and dove into the water, burying herself into the sandy bottom, clouds of sand stinging her eyes and coating her taste buds with that gritty texture and irking taste.
She felt an avaricious paw yank her Crystal Robes, and she cried out a flurry of bubbles in spite of herself. She twitched around until she got a good luck at her attacker, which turned out to be...her mother this time?
Willow spat out a mouthful of seawater and sputtered, "Mom, what the heck are you doing here?"
"Fleeing. Do you have your wand? Do you have a pet?"
"Mom, you know perfectly well that I don't have a pet. What? The Puppet Master already won?:
"The Order of Influence," Willow's mom corrected automatically. "The Puppet Master uses innocent pets to do his dirty work, and he never even lifts a finger." She glowered.
Willow shrugged. This news didn't surprise her, she didn't even know what this "Order of Influence" was. Why should she care?
"You should be shocked. Their activity has been quite...queer these days. They're all moving simultaneously, striking at the same precise time," her mom said as though reading Willow's mind.
Willow shrugged again. She still didn't care.
That thought changed as soon as Willow saw the unmistakable Shadow rings of Royal Roar shot into the stormy atmosphere. After it ended, she could see deceased kids plummeting down onto the sandy ground thousands of kilometers below. She balled her hands into fists and ran up the mountainous beach towards the battle.
"Willow, wait!" Her mom called for her to come back, to escape when they had the chance. But Willow didn't want her tribe to die, they were nearly wiped out once millions of years ago.
"Mom, no! I need to fight for them! You go to safety, I'll catch up with you as soon as this is over."
She made it to the top, only to be blasted back down by Pippet. "Useless," he snarled. "We don't need a wimp like you."
"That's good!" Willow said aloud. She wish she had just kept quiet, for now Pippet eyed her curiously.
"Actually," he continued, "collect her, like all the others."
Willow struggled against the talons and paws grabbing her arms. "You'll be sorry," she hissed.
Pippet rolled his painted wooden eyes. "When I die. Oh, wait. That won't happen for a very long time. As for the woman..." He waved one of his levitating wood-carved hands at Willow's mom. "Kill her. We don't need her running around."
Willow broke free, cursed at the nearest pets' claws and talons, pulled out her wand, and ran over to her mother. "You are not going to kill her. I'll kill you all before that happens!"
She frantically shot feeble Light Waves in every direction, trying in vain to scare off the pets that had fallen under the Puppet Master's rule. After agonizing moments, she had managed to hit an Evolotus, which screeched in pain, and all the others fell back, regarding Willow uncertainty.
Hang on, Willow thought slowly. Aren't they all controlled by the Puppet Master, at the same time? If...oh.
A sudden realization dawned upon her. If she managed to defeat at least just one of the Puppet Master's minions, could she kill off the rest easily? It was worth a try.
Willow focused her attention on the perturbed Evolotus, and sent one last Astral spell in its direction, destroying it at once. As if on cue, the others fled to the nearest acre of safety.
She slid her Angel Wing back into her robe's right pocket, no longer afraid. She motioned with her hands for Pippet to come after her, that dense puppet.
His face was contorted with rage. Seething, he yelled, "The Puppet Master will kill me for this! But I'll pay up. You're stronger than you look. We're onto you now."
"But are we?" A chilling new voice asked from behind Willow.
Willow spun on her heels. She was staring at the Puppet Master.
No, she thought. How could he be here? This isn't supposed to happen. No, no, no, no, no.
She rubbed her eyes, thinking she must be dreaming. But sure enough, there he was, as clear as day. Those piercing yellow eyes surveyed her so intensely she felt herself cower before him.
"Go away!" She yelled. "Begone! I want nothing to do with you."
The Puppet Master cackled, a cackle that should have echoed for miles and miles and shatter Prodigia. Willow flinched.
He traced his staff on the sand, and the sand fell away, revealing a mysterious hole. Inside it lay a wicked looking sword. He picked it up with his staff and flicked it into the air.
"Willow, Willow, Willow. Oh, Willow. I've heard a lot about you, eh? Stronger than she looks, you say, Pippet? Oh. Pippet. You're done here. Get out of my sight," he waved one of his wooden-X hands at Pippet. "As for you, Willow...I'm sorry to do this, but..."
He raised his sword and struck the flat of it on Willow's mom's head. She collapsed onto the floor, perished.
Willow looks down at the body. She wants to scream, to kill the Puppet Master for this. Instead, she could only stare at her mom's corpse as the Puppet Master supposedly pointed at it, and it faded away.
She looked up at the Puppet Master. He would certainly pay for this.
She would kill him.
She would end the Order of Influence.
She would save the helpless.
She would save them all.