Willow Swiftbreeze is a OC from Prodigy Education, mother of Luna Stargazer.
Current name: Willow Swiftbreeze
Nickname: Breezy Swiftbreeze
Aliases: Miss Willow, Miss Swiftbreeze, Swiftbreeze, The Wizard Who Tends To Be Quiet
Affiliation: Weather Staff
Occupation: Wind controller
Status: Deceased
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Astrological Sign: Libra
Location: Skywatch, old Arena, in the sky (as a ghost after death, learn more in old Arena description)
Time Found: Autumn

Willow Swiftbreeze at level four
Strengths: Flying, casting Storm spells, making wands, making clouds, controlling wind, cooking, gathering five hundred Runes in two days, sweeping junk into the trash can (using wind) , literally everything wind can do, playing the harp and piano
Weaknesses: Ice spells, ice pets, Puppet Master, Pippet, Titans
Friends: Santiago Summershorts, Timekeeper Tickey
Enemies: Pippet, Puppet Master, Puppet Master-controlled pets, and all other enemies
Likes: All good people and pets, wind, clouds, playing the harp and piano
Dislikes: Playing the violin, all bad people and pets, Ice element
Debut: Weather Party (a private party only for Weather Staff supposed to celebrate Skywatch peoples' talents, showing off talents, Willow used wind to create a parade of umbrellas at her last Weather Party)
Hairstyle-Pure (illegal to use since Swiftbreeze's death to remember her)
Hair color-Blonde
Skin Tone-1
Eye color-Blue
Facestyle: Demure
Hat-Winged Helm
Outfit-Feather's Garb (unobtainable, she created it herself, nobody knows how to do it)
Wand-Wind's Swirl (unobtainable)
Boots-Flyables (unobtainable)
Buddy-Grey Parrot
Pets: Cloud Neek, Whirlwind (extinct)
Willow Swiftbreeze died on April 14th, 2019, aged 54 years. How? Well, she was on a trolley, when Pippet sneaked on her. Pippet made a scary sound, and Willow was so scared, she tipped over the trolley when it was still moving and not yet to her destination. Her parrot heard Willow's last words-"I'm--dead," and her parrot (named Emma, type gray) went to Gale's office in the Academy to report Willow's death (when she was six to fifteen, she was a student in the Academy).
old Arena Description:
Willow once lived Skywatch. She's now a ghost. Of course, she can become human, but only in Autumn (Fall). She is one of the spirits who look after the Academy, and she always wants to have a challenge three times a day.