Anyone can edit this fanfiction! |
This event takes place 100 years after the event of the wizard breaking the puppet master's 2nd seal.
Florian: Wake up! Today was the day your father broke the second seal!
*angry yawning*
Wizard: Ughh. So are we going to the Academy?
Florian: Because yes!
Wizard: Fine.
*Puppet Master appears in the academy*
Puppet Master: You need to break another seal to turn me into Astral! MUAHHAHAH!!!
Puppet Master: You'd better not try kid, I'm too strong!
Game: You must be level 100 to battle the Puppet Master. Come back soon!
*Wizard plays some and becomes level 100*
Florian: Let's go to the Academy!
Wizard: OK! I'm gonna beat that stupid Puppet Master easily!
Puppet Master: So, you are back?
Both: OH YEAH!!
Wizard: AND I AM LEVEL 100!
Florian: Do you want to battle the Puppet Master now?
*player clicks yes*
*Some battling later*
Puppet Master: You have freed me from a spell casted on me many, many years ago. This dumb king casted a stupid spell and I was turned into shadow, instead of astral. Please forgive me for causing so much havoc. I was once dedicated to saving the pets that the order of influence had captured. Pippet was like my Noot.
Wizard: Sorry for interrupting, but who is Noot?
Puppet Master: Noot was your grandfather's little companion.
Wizard: Oh.
Puppet Master: Now, may we continue?
Both: Yes.
Puppet Master: But then the worst happened. As I was removing a baby embershed from its cage, the evil king saw me and casted his dumb spell. For centuries after that, I was taken over with this Shadow element. But then, you wizards came, and freed me from this king.
Game: Do you want to pair up with the puppet master in defeating the king?
*player clicks yes*