— Xena
Xena Sunflowerlake is a OC in Prodigy Education who is quick-tempered, so if you're around this girl, be careful-one wrong thing and she will battle you and kill you. Immediately. Except you will revive, but Xena would rather battle you all day. Sometimes even ten weeks.
Xena has smooth, blonde, hair that is usually in a ponytail with a small Hawaiian flower attached to it. She wears the Bunny Bandit tunic, but she drew some small pictures on the buttons that nobody can notice or even see. Her wand isn't truly the Enchanted Stick, because her wand, the Dragon's Bane, is hidden her hair, the wand's purple gargoyle-ish thingy sticking out at the opposite side of her hair, except Xena doesn't notice. In winter, Xena would wear a small woolly hat that has small red snowmen on it with a small pink fluff on top and on top of the fluff is a large tongue of flame burning the snow Xena does not like on the ground. She will also wear a lot of fiery stuff during winter.
Xena is a quick-tempered wizard who is full of anger inside of her, but she's the opposite when her brother, Xenophilius, is around. Xenophilius sadly died when Xena was around fourteen, which left Xena an angry wizard. Her parents and her "good-for-nothing sunshine and daisies and rainbows sister," as Xena says, are still living. Before her brother's death, she was a happy, carefree, Hawaiian-culture loving wizard who always battles with him. After her brother's death, she let herself become a uncontrollable quick-temper beast, her eyes always in slits when people are about three feet near her. She always finishes every good moment, turning it into a terrible moment, letting her mind feed on it, and become a even more horrific beast. But her father, who is just like Xenophilius, calms her the moment Xena's eyes meet his. When Xena is around Maple, her sister who is peaceful and will make maple syrup and plant sunflowers by the lake, Xena would temper up. All Maple does is planting sunflowers and making maple syrup-and Xena is jealous because Maple is more beautiful and makes more gold and copper coins than Xena. But whenever bad things happen, Xena tries to stop it, even though she's unsuccessful most of the time-and she lets her mind feed on the bad moment.
Gear and/or Weapons[]
- Bunny Bandit Tunic: The last gift Xenophilius gave her during Thanksgiving. Gives wizard 12+ hearts when worn, but extra seven hearts was seven of his hearts.
- Dragon's Bane: It was a wand she found in Bonfire Spire's kitchen, but she uses it well and it can get extra more powerful spells and ruins more hearts and the ruined hearts can become extra hearts to her pets and herself because she studies the Fire element well. Power bonus +12
- Powerful Fire Relic: The relic was and is a non-ordinary relic. It was Xenophilius's. Xenophilius's spirit lives inside it, causing Xena to sometimes put it close to her ear and talk to him, in which he will answer. The relic also contains several other spells powerful Fire spells added into the Relic. He also carved in his infamous quote: "Almost nothing is the same. But the two objects that glide along with everybody, love and friendship, are the only two things that will eternally stay the same." This quote was quite emotional for Xena. Due to her experienced learning to the Fire element, she uses it as her strongest weapon, and most emotional. Power bonus +5.
- Archivist Boots: This was also Xenophilius's. He was very advanced in the Archives and knows every pathway. In fact, that made him win the title of Archives Adventurer. He was given a badge, in which he pinned it to all of his Archivist items. Half a minute before Xenophilius died, he gave Xena his Archivist Boots. Thirty seconds later he died. Xena was so sad she decided the rotting things should be composted and fill the body with sturdy plastic. Then she made him her bedtime buddy. Heart bonus +15.
- Flame Carriage: This was also Xenophilius's. All of Xena's items were Xenophilius's except the Dragon's Bane. This carriage was Xenophilius's best invention. He won the title of Official Inventor of Bonfire Spire by presenting this to the annual fair Inventor's Lab. About three minutes before he died, he gave this to Xena. Ten minutes after his death she became the owner of the carriage. She could get on this fancy fiery carriage, sit down, then use the fiery ropes to get the fiery horses going. She used this to get everywhere except Shipwreck Shore because the water can weaken the fire magic. Xena didn't go to Shipwreck Shore anyway.
- Fireballs: A reusable fireball that's like water balloons, but instead of water, it's fire, and it doesn't burn you when it hits you. It tickles you! Annual present she gets at Bonfire Spire's palace.
Hairburn: This is the ability to make the impression that her hair is on fire. She often does this just for fun, occasionally on Halloween, Halloween's Eve, and April Fools.
Astral Element Magic: Xena is naturally able to use this, but due to her lack of Astral Magic studying, she doesn't use it, giving the impression she had a birth magic defect which is not true.
Secret Possessor: This is a rather rare type of talent Xena is able to use. It's kind of the opposite of psychics while also similar at the same time. She can ask questions to a person to wriggle out a secret they are keeping well without the person knowing.
- Good against Ice and Plant types.
- She's actually good at cooking.
- She's good at acting when she is portraying an most-of-the-time angry character like her, even though sometimes things just don't work out.
- She's good at knitting and sewing and crocheting anything.
- She's good with a bow and arrow (usually five out of ten shots are in the bullseye).
- She's incredible with gymnastics (She can do a quintuple-tumble IN THE SAME AREA. She uses gymnastics to shake off the temper).
- She's terrible at pretending to cry and being happy while acting.
- She's bad at being happy.
- Can't control herself.
- Bad at Astral, Water, Plant, Ice, and Storm magic.
Mystsprinkle: Xena met Mystsprinkle at Level 10. When Xena was walking in the Archives, Mystsprinkle found her and kept following Xena around until Xena decided to adopt it.
Mysteral: Xena met Mysteral at Level 32. Xena used to ride Mysteral when traveling in Shipwreck Shore to find jewelry for her clothing (she was unsuccessful). Then Xena decided to adopt her.
Mysty: Xena met Mysty at Level 36. Mysty was badly tangled in a bunch of hunter nets in Firefly Forest when Xena freed Mysty. Then Mysty kept letting Xena to ride her until Xena decided to adopt her.
Mysticle: Xena met Mysticle at Level 15. Mysticle was about to drown when Xena rescued her. Unfortunately, she was under the Puppet Master's control, so Xena had to catch her normally. However, Xena ran out of hearts and Xena couldn't rescue her because she did the spell badly. But Mysticle fought against the Puppet Master's evil spell and became a carefree spirit. Xena recognized her and realized Mysticle won't battle her so Xena adopted her.
Cucumber: Cucumber is Xena's pet cactus. He's very cuddly, but he has to be planted in the ground, unlike other Cuddly Cactus. Cucumber occasionally moves around to prick anyone unworthy to come around him (unworthy people are black-eyed female wizards who have siblings) like Maple with its spiky leaves (thorns). Cucumber also likes to cause chaos whenever unworthy people are two feet near him. It does not like being touched.
Scurry: Scurry is Xena's pet rat. It's very rare to see a pet rat around, but Scurry was so adorable, eating off fresh corn in the trash, Xena couldn't do anything but adopt it. Scurry's so cute Xena's mind was set with the new goal that's done already: adopt Scurry. And she did.
Blots: Blots is Xena's pet cow. Blots was cursed into pretending to be a Pomprikle in Firefly Forest when Xena came along. They battled each other and Xena rescued her. Blots immediately transformed into a female cow and became a buddy instead of a pet because she was cursed to look like a Pomprikle. Blots was not added to Xena's list of pets, not even her Pomprikle form.
Gina: Gina is Xena's pet flying squirrel. Well, actually, it glides, not flies, because it has constant thrust. Gina doesn't know how to flap its wings, so it's taken by the air (SCIENCE!) and has no initial thrust (SCIENCE!). Anyway, Xena first found Gina on the road when a random car hit it. She was at death's door. Luckily, Gina rescued it and nursed it back to health. Gina's in a very good shape, loves to fly glide, is thankful for Xena for saving its life, and Xena decided to adopt Gina. Gina was as happy as ever ever since.
- Xena's pets are all adopted. Mysticle ended up being adopted because Xena lost a battle to her.
- All of her pets are female.
- Cucumber, Xena's pet cactus, is based off of the Whomping Willow from Harry Potter.
- Maple is Xena's half sister; Maple's mother and father died. The egg cell got destroyed along with her mother's death, but her father's sperm was actually on sale. Xena's mother bought the cell for fifty five pieces of gold and eighteen copper coins. Then she became pregnant with Maple, which is why Maple is Xena's half sister.
- Xena only likes people in her family who are not half brother and half sister, which is why Xena does not like Maple.
- Xena likes to listen to music, especially the song How Does A Moment Last Forever.
- Xena's name (and perhaps personality) is NOT based off Xena from Xena: Warrior Princess.
- Xena has a cousin named Florence Flowerheart.
- Xena's ability Hairburn is partially based off Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter (part of a sentence: "-----steam pouring out from the ears, making the impression her whole head was on fire.")
- Xena's brother's name, Xenophilius, is actually the same exact name as Luna Lovegood's father, Xenophilius Lovegood, who are supporting characters in Harry Potter.
- Xena's favorite jewel type are sapphires.
- Xena's favorite book in the Prodigy Island Academy Library is Prodigy Island History.
- Xena earns gold and copper coins by selling half of her crocheted, sewed, and knitted items.
- Xena had won three-times-in-a-row archery championships.
- Xena likes to milk cows, especially Blots, her pet cow.
- When she (Xena) was about eight, she got a flop hairstyle (one of the rarest hairstyles; one of Xena's hair parts were "flopped" onto the other side) and Xena changed her flop hairstyle to her current hairstyle at the age of twelve.
- All of Xena's friends' last names EXCEPT Diane Tempergem are related to fire.